Devil May Cry 2 ROM Description
Devil May Cry 2 is easily the weakest title in this trilogy. Here you control either Dante or new character Lucia. Lucia is actually the easy mode with fewer bosses and missions, along with better weapons. Her campaign only takes about 2 and a half hours, while Dante’s takes over 4 and a half hours.
Gameplay Content
Unfortunately, Devil May Cry 2 lost all the fun of the first game. Here there is less emphasis on freakish demon forms and more focus on the weapons. You have to stop a demonic businessman from taking over the world.
And that means one thing: a bland, dull city setting and that’s exactly what you get. The spooky castle in part 1 was perfect with its mysterious and suspenseful atmosphere. Meanwhile, the city, apart from the last two missions, is just a pile of dull gray rubble.
The only thing salvaging the game is the core Devil May Cry play formula of smashing through a line, unlocking doors and moving on. However, this time it’s even more linear and with no ability to backtrack, removing the adventure element from part 1.
Yes, Dante still has the same viewpoint, movement issues, and combat system, prayers identical to part 1 thrown into a bored, uninspired world. You still collect red orbs to upgrade, blue for health and gold for revives.
However, instead of learning new moves with the reds, you just make the guns and swords you find in the world more powerful. And you’ll need to do that because once again, the fun is sucked out of part 1. Enemies have extremely high damage absorption and your devil gauge rises painfully slowly. While Devil May Cry had 23 missions that flew by, the 18 here plod along at a snail’s pace.
Combat Mechanics
The combat is no longer enjoyable without satisfyingly hacking apart enemies then unleashing fire or electricity to finish them off. It becomes a tedious chore. One change I liked was the different amulet fragments you unlock during the campaign. You can choose flight or high speed for example. Or better health regen when in demon form or more powerful attacks. This allows tailoring the character to your playstyle.
Every other choice is awful. The bosses here are rubbish, requiring you to spam ranged attacks until they die. But they’re made worse by the game’s terrible enemy lock-on system.
There are far too many annoying boss fights where small fries continually spawn, causing Dante to lock onto them instead of focusing on the boss. This happens nearly the whole game, worst in the sections you have to shoot orbs to unlock gates but continually stall if you don’t rapid fire. Many poor decisions were made.
That doesn’t mean I regret playing through this game. It’s still Devil May Cry, with bosses appearing out of nowhere and not knowing where the game will take you next. It’s just alright. I was happy to play but it felt lazy and boring.