The Resident Evil franchise is a series of survival horror video games developed and published by Capcom. The series was created by Shinji Mikami and was first released in Japan in 1996 for the PlayStation console. The first game in the series, titled Resident Evil, was released in Japan in 1996 and later released in the United States in 1997. In the game, players control one of two protagonists, Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine, as they explore a mansion infested with zombies and other monsters while trying to uncover the mystery behind the outbreak. Since the release of the first game, numerous Resident Evil games have been released for various platforms, including home consoles, handheld consoles, and mobile devices. The series has become popular and has spawned a number of spin-off games, as well as a successful film franchise. The Resident Evil series is known for its survival horror gameplay, complex storylines, and iconic characters. It has received critical acclaim and has a dedicated fan base.