- The Decrypted format can be read on the Citra Emulator.
- The CIA format can be installed on an actual 3DS console.
- This set is made by the No-Intro group.
- Default zip/7z file extract password is romspure.cc
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- Pokemon Neo X
Pokemon Neo X ROM Description
Do you fondly remember the days of playing Pokemon on your Game Boy, exploring the world, catching new creatures, and battling other trainers? As you grew older, the charm of those simple 8-bit graphics and straightforward gameplay faded. But now, Pokemon Neo X lets you rediscover the magic of classic Pokemon on the 3DS! This incredible fan-made hack of Pokemon X and Y will make you feel like a kid again.
Pokemon Neo X overhauls the original games with features that provide both greater difficulty and variety. The familiar world of Kalos has been repopulated with smarter trainers and Pokemon teams designed to challenge even seasoned veterans. You’ll need skill and strategy to defeat the gym leaders and Pokemon League here!
But it’s not just more of the same–Pokemon Neo X opens up the full National Pokedex of 721 Pokemon right from the start. Every species can be found somewhere in the region now, so you’ll constantly encounter fresh faces as you explore. Many Pokemon have been rebalanced and even given new typings and abilities to make previously useless monsters viable. Now you can raise an entire dream team of favorites new and old!
Some of the most exciting changes are quality of life improvements that speed up tedious elements. HMs like Cut are now worthwhile moves you’ll want a Pokemon to know. Evolution methods have been altered so Pokemon that originally needed trading can evolve through level up or other simple actions. Eggs hatch almost instantly so you don’t have to run around forever waiting for them to crack!
The storyline has also been expanded with a new ranking system for Team Flare and extra battles with rivals Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna. These offer bonuses for players looking to squeeze even more content out of the nearly 100 hours these enhanced versions provide.
With so many improvements over X and Y, Pokemon Neo X belongs in any fan’s 3DS library. It’s the ultimate way to re-experience the 6th generation of Pokemon games. The developers poured endless passion into realizing this vision, and their efforts show in every battle. If you ever wished the series was more challenging but still accessible, Neo X brilliantly delivers.
Getting Your Hands on Pokemon Neo X
Pokemon Neo X and the similar Neo Y are available as free ROM hacks. To play, you’ll need to download the Neo X ROM file and an emulator like Citra that can properly run 3DS games on your PC or mobile device.
Be sure to get Neo X from a reputable site like ROMsdl.NET to avoid any malware risks. Their library only contains 100% working, virus-free ROMs tested by fellow retro gaming fans. The download process takes mere seconds, and then this incredible Pokemon remaster is at your fingertips!
Once you have the ROM, load it up in your 3DS emulator and prepare to be transported back to the Hoenn region like never before. With its smart changes and massive amount of heart, Pokemon Neo X makes the classic Pokemon experience even more addictive and rewarding. Any fan of the series owes it to themselves to give this excellent hack a try. It’s a journey you’ll never forget.
The Pokemon series has come a long way since those monochrome Game Boy days. But Neo X proves the spirit of adventure and discovery that made Pokemon so beloved is still alive and well. Don’t just take our word for it–download Pokemon Neo X ROM today and relive the glory days of Pokemon for yourself! You might just find a new all-time favorite Pokemon journey.
Filename | Size | Type |
Pokemon Neo X | 850M | Citra Format |