Centipede ROM Description
Centipede is a classic arcade game developed and published by Atari in 1980. It is a shooter game in which players control a spaceship as they battle against waves of centipedes, spiders, and other enemies that crawl down the screen towards them.
In the game, players use their spaceship’s thrusters to move around the screen and rotate to aim their shots. They can also use a limited supply of bombs to clear the screen of enemies.
As players progress through the game, the centipedes and other enemies become more numerous and more difficult to defeat. The game ends when the player’s spaceship is destroyed or when all of the enemies have been defeated.
Centipede is a simple but addictive game that has stood the test of time. It was highly influential and has inspired a number of sequels and spin-offs. If you enjoy shooter games, you may enjoy playing Centipede.