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[Nintendo Wii] Dragon’s Lair Trilogy ROM Download
Dragon’s Lair Trilogy ROM Description
Dragon’s Lair Trilogy is a compilation video game that includes three classic arcade games: Dragon’s Lair, Dragon’s Lair II: Time Warp, and Space Ace. The games are developed by Digital Leisure and were originally released in the 1980s. The compilation was released for the Nintendo Switch in 2019.
The main menu for all three games is unified into a single location, and users may go to the game-specific menus by selecting the appropriate option from the main menu. Every one of the games has both a full screen mode, sometimes known as widescreen, and an arcade cabinet background, both of which display the game’s visuals in a 4:3 aspect ratio. The highlighted controls for the quick-time events (QTEs) will either be over the game video or over the controls for the arcade cabinet, and this will depend on the gameplay style. It is possible to play Dragon’s Lair in either the arcade mode or the home style, while Dragon’s Lair II may be played in either the original form or the director’s cut mode. There is no mode selection available in Space Ace. There are a variety of video extras available for each game, such as interviews with the game’s creators and the ability to see gameplay sequences played out like movies.