Destiny 2 ROM Description
Story and Setting
In 2014 this series started off with a flawed project that had great gameplay and yet essentially no plot. We were these space wizards shooting cool guns at intergalactic demons but literally nothing was explained. If you wanted to know what was truly going on you’d have to visit the developer’s website and read stupid little note cards that would break down who characters are and stuff. That is not at all the case anymore.
In fact, I’d say that there’s so much story this time people are gonna be making videos digging into the lore for years and no that isn’t an exaggeration. Destiny 2 begins with our heroes defending themselves from what they think is another normal assault in the last city except there’s one key difference – the enemy they face isn’t just a regular part of the army of Darkness.
This is Ghaul, the most ruthless alien warlord ever to rule the galaxy. His troops, called the Red Legion, exist for a single mission – to claim the light of the Traveler. In case you didn’t play the first game this basically means that they would become gods and never die again. Ghaul arrives and instantly wipes out all of human civilization in a matter of hours and leaves our hero for dead.
Only by stumbling out of the wreckage and walking wounded through the forest for days do we stumble upon others who also escaped the wreckage. Rather than sit around waiting for the end of the universe it’s our turn to grab some weapons, team up with friends and fight back.
Open World Design
There are many big changes made in this sequel but what caught me off-guard the most about Destiny 2 specifically is that it’s much more world based now. By pulling up your navigator you can fly to any of the four planets at any time and when you land you’re in the center of a huge map with quests around you that can be picked up that take you to different caves or ruins in the area and often reward you with interesting loot and tons of experience points.
These can be tasks like hunting down robots that keep stealing equipment from the rebels or something like breaking into a nearby factory to grab a super computer brain to help you with hacking. What really took me by surprise is that missions have loads of humor and personality woven into the writing now, making it where you actually want to finish them even if you don’t really need the items they give.
Hearing these characters interact had me seriously laughing at a few points, like when you need to save Cayde-6 because he’s caught in a teleportation loop and every time he reappears he just yells out five words about wanting to puke before vanishing again. Thankfully this new sense of more living design carries over the dungeons themselves.
No longer does it feel like every environment is just a random chunk of land they threw together in 20 minutes. There’s a clear effort to make areas all feel massive and the things we’re doing in them to look epic. Taking down hordes of the Fallen is fantastic when you’re deep in some haunting ancient architecture and grabbing a tank to run over drones on your way out of an exploding base will get your heart pounding.
This intense, faster pacing to events lends itself nicely to the PvP, player versus player combat, which was my favorite thing about the original Destiny and it’s pretty much the same here. There are some small improvements like the fact that people have less health making the action quicker overall and now flags capture almost instantly. They’ve also introduced new game modes like one where you actually have very limited lives. This makes it where each death is really painful to the entire team so strategy is extremely important.
For the most part this is what fans already enjoyed but just more of it. It’s during these matches though that I started to notice that I didn’t really care for the new upgrade system. As a Warlock, my new subclass is called the Dawnblade – a guardian whose special is drawing a flaming sword out of the air and being able to shoot fire for long distance kills. That’s cool I guess but previously the talent trees for classes felt more balanced.
There were many choices to fit the way you wanted to play and now it seems like there’s just one obvious path that’s the best talent points that you should get. And due to this, competing against other players we all kind of behave the same. It’s not a big problem and yet it definitely makes getting upgrades less fun since I know I’m building a similar character to everybody else.
However, I do want to say that I think the new magic skills are actually great. Like my hero he’s able to pick between dropping a circle on the ground that heals everyone standing inside it or instead making a damage boosting aura. Laying one of these powerful zones down at the right moment while defending a point online or trying to outlast a wave of baddies was exceptionally cool. It’s a great addition to the already stellar fighting.
While Destiny 2 is clearly a project that has some problems, I can’t deny the fact that it’s still an exceptionally badass game at its core. Sniping aliens in the new areas is solid, there is a real weight and meaning to the story now, and being able to explore fresh unknown planets is exciting. Obviously Bungie learned from their mistakes while making the first adventure and now are giving us something worth spending hours getting lost in.
Filename | Size | Type |
CUSA05042_DESTINY-A0100-V0100 | 28.28 GB |