The Dragon Ball franchise has a long and storied history of video game adaptations, with many games being released for various consoles over the years. The first Dragon Ball video game was released in Japan in 1986 for the Famicom console, and was titled Dragon Ball: Dragon Daihikyō. The game was a role-playing game that followed the story of the original Dragon Ball manga and anime series. Since then, numerous Dragon Ball games have been released for various consoles, including Dragon Ball Z: Budokai, a fighting game released for the PlayStation 2 in 2002; Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi, a fighting game released for the PlayStation 2 and Wii in 2005; and Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, a role-playing game released for various platforms in 2015. Dragon Ball games have been released for a variety of platforms, including home consoles, handheld consoles, and mobile devices. The franchise has also spawned numerous spin-off games, including RPGs, fighting games, and action games.